Dear Teacher

This is not poetry to tell you how wonderful you have been

How you have been a guide, and a light unto my feet

This is not a poem to tell you about how well you have nurtured me

Or how invested you have been in my well-being.

This is not a poem to tell the world, that without you and your efforts

And that without you and your sacrifices

And that without you and your tears of love and affection

I would not be standing on this podium today

This is not a poem about hope

The one you instilled in me, in preparation for when the going gets tough

This is not a poem about your love for me either

That love that lets you shelter me in the rain and away from the hard-hitting rays of the sun

This really is not a poem about your desire to see me live a life better than yours

To see me blossom into a flower that provides beauty to itself and its environment

This is not a poem about service

The ones you rendered even above your pay grade without fuss

Dear Teacher

This is a poem about calling on the world to do right by you

To recognize the beautiful place you occupy in our lives and that of our children

Beyond long talk, a plethora of unfulfilled promises and documented cases of neglect

Indeed, we should do better.

This is a poem about your living and working conditions.

About how the one who teaches lawyers has no one to defend her rights

About how the one who lectures engineers, can’t get a decent housing

About the one who lectures cooks and chefs can’t get a decent meal..

This is tough….and our thoughts and prayers are with you.

But thoughts and prayers won’t buy a jar of milk

It won’t buy some good shoes and fabric of silk

So…to the head teacher

The substitute teacher

The teachers who taught us to till the soil

To the ones that do it as a hobby

To the teachers that tell us about God and his love

To the ones that tell us about the workings of the universe

To the teachers who play the roles of parents to orphaned children

To the teachers risking it all in areas of conflict

To the teachers who have been burnt

And to the ones still aflame

We say to you…thank you..

We say thank you.

From the bottom of our hearts, we say thank you.

And we call on the world to do right by you.

Happy World Teachers Day.

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